5.35K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.35K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Need help identifying origin of unusual vase with a hole in the front.

My mother in law has this vase that she believes may have belonged to her husband’s grandmother. The only mark on the bottom is the number 14. It also has this unusual hole in the front that we aren’t sure the purpose of.

Does anyone know who may have made this vase?



The 14 is only the mold number !! I am thinking this may be the center piece of an Epergne or table centerpiece but most of those are usually glass and metal ,, not pottery !! I am going to cross post this to another forum if you don`t mind !! There are some there that know Victorian style better than I do !!

albionbooks Changed status to publish January 20, 2020

There is a hole in the front and back that go out the bottom of the base. There is a “ceiling” in the base of the vase so water can be added without reaching the holes in the base. I’m adding a few additional photos. The A on the bottom was written in marker by the former owner.


There is a hole in the front and back that go out the bottom of the base. There is a “ceiling” in the base of the vase so water can be added without reaching the holes in the base. I’m adding a few additional photos. The A on the bottom was written in marker by the former owner.


Sorry,, hit the wrong key !! Now I see what you mean !! Is it a hole that goes through to
the vase or is it just a cavity where something might have been attached such as you might find with a table centerpiece ??


Not a note, but a hole in the front toward the bottom.

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