1.66K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.66K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I am attaching a photo of these two figurines that appear to be possibly colonial dressed. I have found this same set in a 9″ height, but these two are measuring in at 13″ each.

Any help identifying these would be sincerely appreciated. The bottom has “Made in Occupied Japan” in red letters.

Both of these are in pristine condition with no chips, cracks or fading that I can find so far. They apparently have been wrapped in a heavy terry-cloth towel and stored for years. I was amazed at the condition.

Crazy J

[img size=150]http://gocrazyj.com/wp-content/uploads/i-dump-uploads/crazyj-1328115605-ipodfile.jpg[/img]


[img size=150]http://gocrazyj.com/wp-content/uploads/i-dump-uploads/crazyj-1328115565-ipodfile.jpg[/img]

Following photo shows mark on bottom:

[img size=150]http://gocrazyj.com/wp-content/uploads/i-dump-uploads/crazyj-1328115525-ipodfile.jpg[/img]

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 17, 2020
Anonymous Changed status to publish January 17, 2020

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