5.97K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.97K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have some cups and saucers marked with the crown and shield, Paul Mueller Selb, and Bavaria. Replacements.com calls the pattern MUE24. Does anyone know if this pattern has a name, when it might have been manufactured and where I could possible find a tea/coffee pot, creamer and sugar bowl? Any information at all about this pattern would be appreciated.


Yes, that is the mark used 1920-1928 and yes, “bouillon cups” (or “Suppentassen” in German) is correct.

The single or two digit numbers are internal decorator ID codes which stated who decorated which piece (quality control and employee management). Three, four or five digit numbers represent the series -or- decoration number. Those were rarely used on the earlier Müller items made by Hutschenreuther as they feared to cause confusion because some older Müller numbers clashed with their own.

Cmse Changed status to publish February 3, 2020
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