5.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have some cups and saucers marked with the crown and shield, Paul Mueller Selb, and Bavaria. Replacements.com calls the pattern MUE24. Does anyone know if this pattern has a name, when it might have been manufactured and where I could possible find a tea/coffee pot, creamer and sugar bowl? Any information at all about this pattern would be appreciated.


As you do not provide a picture of the base or mark at least, I have to – per your description – assume that you are talking about an item made by the company of [i]Lorenz Hutschrenreuther[/i] in Selb which after the takeover in 1917 continued the former [i]Paul Müller[/i] brand and restructured his former factory into their own dedicated art department. In that case the [i]”crown and shield”[/i] mark would have been used between 1920 and 1928.

Hardly anybody ever thought that those ‘meaningless’ numbers (the *original* decoration IDs) were actually used for a reason. The largest portion of German manufacturers never ‘named’ their decorations at all and most names used today were actually completely made up by distributors/importers/retailers (hence the different names for one and the same thing across varying markets).

Next to that fact, Replacemements.com is notoriously unreliable when it comes to listing true manufacturer tags. “MUE24” is merely their own stock code, and even that is subject to change over the years. Sadly, the general disregard of those facts has resulted in the situation we find nowadays: most people have long trashed their original invoices or catalogs in favor of digital search results, maning that it is increasingly hard to find out more about certain pieces.

Especially in such cases where the creator is different from what is noted on the item itself, as is the case here. It may well be that the decoration is featured in some Hutschenreuther catalog and pops up on Hutschenreuther-related sites/auctions but can hardly be found as Müller feature.

Cmse Changed status to publish February 3, 2020

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