My great Grandmother’s chocolate set is perfect, no apparent use or chips of any kind; Pitcher with six cups, saucers. Can anyone help date or value?
Best way to get an approx value is to check ebay for similar sets ! Does not have to be the same,, just similar pieces ! They made too many to be very expensive ! Most are reasonably priced and popularity is way down for most !
Best way to get an approx value is to check ebay for simillar sets ! Does not have to be the same,, just similar pieces ! They made too many to be very expensive ! Most are reasonably priced and popularity is way down for most !
Thank you Martha!
Makers mark dates from 1911, according to another site. Not found here, but seems accurate: “M in Wreath”, M stands for Morimura Bros. (importers). Mark used since 1911. Found in green (shown), blue, magenta, and gold colors.
Makers mark dates from 1911, according to another site. Not found here, but seems accurate: “M in Wreath”, M stands for Morimura Bros. (importers). Mark used since 1911. Found in green (shown), blue, magenta, and gold colors.