2.11K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.11K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have a Phoenix Glass vase in the dogwood pattern that is sort of a taupe brown on white. The bottom has a metallic gold Phoenix Glass sticker in the style used during 1930’s. Also appearing is Monaca, Pa. Additionally there is a red and white sticker with handwritten “#367” and “D1133”. I would like to know what the color is appropriately called and what the handwritten numbers might signify. An approximate value would also be helpful. Thank you for your help.


Need photos of your piece to help answer your question on value. The pattern of your piece is really called Wild Rose,Their Wild Rose vase was virtually identical to the Consolidated vase called Dogwood, but the colouring and finish were usually different. Monaca, Pa was the location of the company. handwritten “#367” and “D1133”. one # is stating vase shape & The other pattern # or order #. As far as color is sounds like MILK GLASS with CARAMEL ACCENT.

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