4.62K viewsPottery and Porcelain
4.62K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have a Large figurine made in Italy of a Italian Lady in a flowered dress, siting on an actual chair. She stands about 15″ tall and 14″ wide. Is it Capodimonte? It does not have the “N” marking though. Any information would be most helpful.



Yes it loaded fine that time !! Look through the link at top for what Capodimonte porcelains should look like !! Vast difference in those and the one you have !! The quality is what you look for !! There is also a page of the proper marks for Capo.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 14, 2020

My photo files are not that big. Not sure why it is not loading. I’ll try another pic. Let me know if it does not come through again. Thanks.


It still is not loading !! Check the size of the pic,, you may need to make it smaller !! This site has a 2MB limit on pic size !!


Thank you Martha Hill. I’ve attached the photo of the Italian figurine. Hopefully it will come through this time. I appreciate you responding.


The pic of the figurine did not load so can`t see it but the letters/numbers are not any makers mark !! The 419 is the mold number and the S is likely the decorators mark !! Any time it says Made in Italy you know it is an import !! There are some very nice imports from Italy but this one is not Capodimonte !!
The large hole in the base tells me that this is a pretty modern import !!
Capodimonte is a region in Italy and anyone in that region is authorized to use the crowned N mark !! It is a style of pottery and porcelain and not any one maker or factory !!

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