6.62K viewsPottery and Porcelain
6.62K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Hello all. I have what might be a porcelain? cobalt blue and white cat approximately 12 inches tall that has been in my family for decades and is probably a pitcher as the head serves as a stopper. I have no idea where it was purchased, what it is worth (if anything), et cetera, and would be most appreciative if you would please take a look at the attachment. If anyone has any ideas on this I would love to hear from you. In advance, I appreciate your time and effort.


I had to send my response or otherwise i lose it. Now as far as value I try to stay away from it from items I’m not sure about. I can only tell you I sold a tea or milk cat pitcher about 12 inches that just had Germany on bottom for $70.00, ceramic. A young woman bought it immediately because she collected animal pitchers. She did’nt care about age or where it was made. You have that going for you and the cobalt blue. If your still unsure you can alway’s take it to someone with more experience.

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