1.59K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.59K viewsPottery and Porcelain

This bowl has been in my family for years, from my grandmother. I had always thought it was a McCoy because of the MC in the stamp on the bottom. Now I’m doing research for this piece and cannot find any reference to this mark; it contains “G” “M” “C” & “B”. Even thought it could be Brush.
Any ideas? Thanks


For kitchen ware say late 20`s through 1960`s !! Early 40`s they produced a line of fine china but most of their business was and is in roof tile, architectural and garden items !! They are still in operation as part of a larger company but name is the same !!


marthahill how far back does this stuff go in years. just curious



Here you go !!

Thank you for your fast answer! I had not heard of this company, “old dogs” can learn……

LOL !! One old dog to another,,,I had never head of it either !! If you had searched the initials exactly as they were on the logo, you would have found it as easily as I did !! No one can know all these mfrs !! We are just lucky in knowing how to find them !!

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