9.94K viewsPottery and Porcelain
9.94K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Can someone help me identify this please? I can’t for the life of me tell what the mark says or the bottom word on the back. Thanks.




Isn`t it amazing how a good cold beer clarifies everything ?? Tell your mother we said “Happy Birthday” !!


Wow that’s amazing! I picked this up for my mother’s birthday and wanted to be able to give her some info on it. Well guess what…today is her birthday. Now I something to tell her and something to look further into. Thanks to everyone who helped…especially that thick-walled beer glass 😉


Bless you and your beer !! Next time I am going to try your method !!


Well, I was on vacation in Spain three or four times and a bit of the lingo stuck. As for the squiggles … una cerveza, por favor! … I was sitting here with a beer and looked at the picture through the bottom of my glass.


How did you figure that out Chris ?? I have been looking at it for two weeks and couldn`t make sense of it !!

Now that you got it,, I can see the letters !! Maybe it was all those squiggles that threw me !!

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