Hello–I have searched the database, and the only mark that looks like this is a Spode mark which is supposed to be impressed–This is on the back of a very large wall plate hand painted with cherubs and signed Doecker. I saw a plate online signed Doecker which was identified as Victoria Austria Carlsbad, but it did not have this mark. Thank you very much!
Just to set things right: there is no such producer as “Victoria Austria Carlsbad”, that was a brand used by Schmidt & Co. from the city of Altrohlau in Austrian Bohemia. And so only items marked “Victoria Austria Carlsbad” are “Victoria Austria Carlsbad”.
Not that this has anything to do with your item, mind.
A fact neglected on sites like eBay, etsy, ruby lane, etc. is that transfers were often based on oil paintings of long-dead artists. Such copies did not demand for royalties to be paid, so printers copied these works en masse, creating and selling transfer sheets to porcelain factories and decoration studios. Only requirement (per law) was the inclusion of the original artist signature.
And so templates based on an image from one and the same dead artist may appear on items by different non-related producers worldwide. Some artists became namesakes for whole styles, e.g. Watteau, Fragonard, or Kauf(f)mann. In your case, some nameless producer or decoration studio utilized a transfer based on the work of Doecker. No more, no less.
The additional problem here is that the shown mark is a stamped copy of a formerly well-known hand-painted marking used by a company which never used anything else than hand-painted patterns. And that means that your item was intended to be some lookalike/repro item – which is not good.
Thank you very much for your detailed and informative reply. I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. I originally bought it because I liked the grand size and had an ideal place to put it (fortunately-at a church thrift store for $5!). I will keep your reply for future reference.