3.55K viewsPottery and Porcelain
3.55K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I had great difficulty uploading the picture a couple days ago, but was successful today.  Can anyone tell me whether this is an authentic Jean Pouyet (Limoges) dish?  The mark on the bottom shows J.P. on top of a horizontal line with an L beneath the line.  The mark is in blue, not red.  There is no \”France\” stamped on it.  My mother-in-law thought it might be from the 1893 Chicago World\’s Fair, but wasn\’t sure.  I have not been able to find the pattern name nor confirm the date.  Any help greatly appreciated.

Friedrich Answered question February 5, 2022

French goods are not my glass of beer but I know some quite well. The color of Pouyat marks is irrelevant; also they added “France” on export items only, speaking against the World Fair theory as those would have had to be marked with a country of origin. Sadly the described mark was in use between 1890 and 1932 so that is a large pool of possibilities. As I can not see any pictures … are you sure the item was not re-decorated ? Many hobbyists did not sign off their work, so there is a small chance the item is not original anymore.

CardinalVA Posted new comment February 14, 2022

Thank you, Friedrich, for your insight. It has been quite difficult finding any further info as the decorator did not sign the work. I corresponded with a French antique expert who told me it most likely dates between 1870 and 1890. Even though Kovel indicated the photo was successfully uploaded, it appears it did not upload. I give up. I only mentioned the mark was blue because Kovel says it should be red. I do not believe the piece was re-decorated. It does, however, show years of use because alot of the gilting is worn off in places. I have scoured pages and pages of images trying to find one like it to no avail. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.

Friedrich Answered question February 5, 2022

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