2.30K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.30K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have a couple of little Made in England animals:

The fish is in perfect conditions, not a single scratch on it! But as you can see the seal… well it isn’t as nice. A piece was chipped off or something.

I have a lot more somewhere…. I see these in antique shops but I haven’t ever seen the fish one anywhere.

So does anyone have any info/advice or anything?

Thanks 🙂


Ahh yes thanks! 😀 I didnt know they where called “Wade”.

The fish is worth about 4-5 dollars USD and the seal is worth about 3.50 to 5 dollars USD in perfect condition. So the fish is worth about 4-5 dollars and the seal maybe a 1 dollar or two. I am NOT going to sell them anyways so I guess it doesn’t matter.

I might end up collecting more of these…. I go in antique shops quite often as I have a huge coin collection.

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