1.38K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.38K viewsPottery and Porcelain

My father got this cup from my grandfather. he would love to know where it came from. After online research we had many different answers from different experts.

i did try and figure out the marking but didn’t get further then this atm: 製土佳

Some say it’s japanese, some say it is chinese, some say they can’t identify it.
I have been going trough marking databases and found a mix of chinese markings and japanese markings (kanji/meiji)
Contacted the sotheby’s (and other) chinese/japanese ceramics expert in japan and he was a bit baffeled by the stem cup and couldn’t place it in a period or place of origine. but was somewhat enheusiatic about the protrait of a phoenix (as he described it) and the swastica paterns on the inside.

I spend way too much time trying to come up with an answer for my father and would like to ask if anyone can give a good story as to it’s origine?

I have added an imgurl link to the foto’s i have of the cup and sourcer

divinity cup




My guess would be Chinese but I am no expert !! Have you checked gotheborg.com ?? Thats the best site for ID that I have found !! There is another forum that might help but I forget the name of it !! Let me check and post it tomorrow !!

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