3.22K viewsPottery and Porcelain
3.22K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Hi all,

I have been lurking for quite a while in the hopes of learning more about this odd teapot. After a year, I’m no further. Most of what I find is more elegant, while this seems a bit whimsical. It make me think of what a Munchkin would look like if The Wizard of Oz had come from Japan.

Thanks for any suggestions on a direction where I can look to find out more about it.

Bo [img size=433]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/teapotSmall.jpg[/img]


name of book is Teapots by Tina M. Carter printed in 2000.Before 1921 Japan was known as Nippon. Your teapot has some cobalt blue on it is why I think it was made in late 20-30ties. They used a lot of cobalt blue back then.. There is no pictures in the book going back that far Just a history of Japan teapots.


Can i ask the name of the book that you found information in? I still have been unable to find any more about it and would like to dig deeper.



Thank you for the reply.

It was given to my mother long ago, and I have never been able to find out anything about it. I appreciate your reply.



I’ve resp. twice but it does’nt show my reply, I will try again. I have a teapot book and I think it’s from late 20tie to 30ties made in Horadi Japan. Horadi in english mean “old man in sack” They also made one “old man with 7 faces”. All their teapot’s were people then later in 40tties it was animal’s, then geisha girl etc.


Hi All,
Surprisingly, I have not found anyone with any information on this little guy.

Does anyone even know where I can start to ask for more info? I haven’t found anyone familiar with anything like this.


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