3.05K viewsPottery and Porcelain
3.05K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what this dish is for? It’s approximately 10 3/4 inch in diameter. I haven’t been able to figure out the maker’s mark on the back. Any information would be appreciated!

Elizabeth Heineman Changed status to publish October 9, 2020


I know you are probably not old enough to remember these but back in the 50`s,60`s and most of the 1970`s almost everyone had one of these !! They were used for both cigarettes and cigars !! You can scroll through the pics above to see they came in every imaginable shape,pattern and color !! No makers mark that I can see just a shape number and looks like decorators mark and country of origin !!

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Elizabeth Heineman Changed status to publish October 9, 2020

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