1.57K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.57K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Hello, I am new to this website. I found it via Google. I subscribed to the basic package for now, because I didn’t know how helpful it would be to have. My question is while cleaning out a house from a relative after their passing, I came across several items. A set of vases with the inscription Van Briggle on the bottom. Could someone tell me what they are worth? Who would be interested in having them? And where would I take them to be appraised?


If you use any of the image sharing sites like photobucket ect,, just post the pics there and copy and paste the link here !! Don`t use facebook ,,for some reason it does not work well !! Looking forward to seeing the pics and will help as much as possible !!
But do not sell till we can get you a price on them !!


Thank you so much Martha! I will do my best to try and figure out how to upload the pictures. I tried to do it with the original post. But couldn’t figure it out. I saw that some of his pieces were incredibly pricey. I don’t have any attachment to them. And could actually use the money more. But, I am not a fool and want to know what to charge if indeed I do find a buyer.



Can you please post a pic of the vase and one of the mark on bottom ?? Some Van Briggle can be worth quite a bit !! Can`t tell with out seeing it and the mark !! Just stay with the basic free membership for now !!
The link at top has several pages of info on this pottery !! The first page is a number of different marks used !! Look on the right column for additional info !!
Also has quite a few early Van Briggle pieces !! This will help you know what you should be looking for in a Van Briggle vase !! When you post pics we can find an approx value although that is no guarantee !! Value is determined by the buying public !! Can be more or less than estimated value !! That is true no matter who appraises it !! I recommend you save the hundred dollars or so that an appraiser would charge !!

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