2.24K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.24K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I am trying to determine the age of a piece of V & B red “Burgenland” transferware. Based on Kovel’s, I determine the age to be possibly over 100 years old based on the mark shown in the attached photo. A fellow collector dissagrees with me and says that just b/c the piece has this mark it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s atleast 100 years old. Can anyone help me better understand this mark? Many thanks! [img size=357]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSCF6001_compressed.JPG[/img]



Burgenland will most likely be the form name, i will look into it further and come back to you.

KindRegards Kevin Graham
Author: From Spritzdecor to Fat Lava Editions 1 & 2; West & East German Pottery Marks Form Numbers and Decors Editions 1, 2 & 3

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