5.26K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.26K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have five Wedgwood blue onion plates, 9″ across.

I have consulted my handy Kovels’ New Dictionary of Marks and still can’t figure out when they date from. I’m thinking either 1871 or 1897 based on the Z in the mark, but I really would like some assistance.

Then, of course, if I can get a date, I’d like some help valuing them.


Like I said,, it ain`t easy dating this stuff !! LOL Just do what I do when I can`t be reasonably sure !! Add question marks after the approx. date !! Most that are on ebay regularly will know that means you are not sure !! I always write in the description that I have made every effort to get a correct date but I am not an expert on the Wedgwood dating system !!
Most people understand plain language !! What they do not like is dishonesty or saying something that is incorrect as a selling point !! So just tell the truth and it will be fine !!

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