2.21K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.21K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have exhusted my extensive search for info regarding this early Wedgwood mark. Could not find much here on Kovel’s either. Each piece has the name Wedgwood & a 3 digit code incised on the bottom along with a Wedgwood Etruria England black stamp. The 3 digit code probably refers to a date. Creamware/caneware? I am not able to locate this design or much else in the way of description, age or value. I have attached pics so I hope someone can help me. Thanks for any help or advice.

mejayroe Changed status to publish January 22, 2020


You can find some creamware above !! Not sure what pattern you have because all the pics have not loaded ! Will look more tomorrow !!

mejayroe Changed status to publish January 22, 2020
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mejayroe Changed status to publish January 22, 2020

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