1.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Do any of you know what kind of tiles these are?

I acquired these recently and can’t find anything out about them. For all I know they are recent and aren’t worth anything, but I just don’t know. Any help would mean a lot to me. Here are some pictures of them for you to check out if you would be so kind. In addition to the pictures of the front I have also taken a couple pictures of the back of two of them to show you the “G” logo that is on each one. Thanks again!







I have 2 tiles very much the same, but not scenes they are portraits of a man and woman in typical middle eastern attire. They came from my Aunt’s estate. They are hand painted with beautiful detail. The colors have lasted all these years and hung on a wall in the living room and study of her home.

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