I found this thing deep in the woods when I was a kid and I have always wondered what in the world it was, how old it is, and if it was valuable. It’s either ceramic or some sort of white glass.
It looks like a one eyed rabbit playing a banjo and singing…
Can anyone tell me what it is, how old it is and if it’s worth anything?
[img size=374]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/2013_03_24_17.jpg[/img]
Thank you so much for the reply! The mouth doesn’t seem very deep. To my uneducated eye, it doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose at all. The only part that sticks out to me as something that shows what it may have been used for in the past is that little nub sticking off of the top of it, over the ears. Like it used to hang somewhere for some reason from there.
Here’s another picture from another angle:
[img size=499]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/2013_03_24_20.jpg[/img]