Does anyone know what this mystery object is? Not very old, I would think 60s, 70s, or even newer. Material is silver plated, well finished and high quality and a nice turned wood base. Weight 3,4 kg, height 55 cm, width of top arm 31 cm. There is a silver (plate) mark, and the word Almazan – this is mainly used for brass objects, not silver plate. Extensive internet searches have only yielded one silver plated vase with this mark, I can not find other similar objects (it is not a wine decanter!) nor information about the maker. Also posts in different Facebook antiques/vintage groups has not had any results.


Mmm,,, Never heard of that happening before !! It has never banned any guest !! Let me contact the site owner and moderator !! Try just highlighting the site name and hitting the enter button !! I have a similar problem when I sign on here but it says the page cannot be found or has been moved or deleted !! But when I highlight and hit enter it works fine !!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020
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