Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out what these are, or belonged to. The bottoms are not alike. They seem to be cut off of something maybe a flag pole, or fence post? There heavy for a small piece they measure about 5″x5″ I have two of them. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have not been to Kovels for years. Anyway I could use some help in valuing this item from my Dad’s estate. He did some movie work, and this item was among his collection.
It is a one of a kind sterling item originally given to Cecil B. DeMille. The bottom is hard for me to read because of my vision, but the marks look like a lion passant, an anchor and possibly a G, all encircled.
It also reads sterling A4089 1 1/2 pint F.
The front reads:
In appreciation of our esteemed citizen
Cecil B. DeMIlle
From the Citizens of Hollywood
July 4 1917
Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.