Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out what these are, or belonged to. The bottoms are not alike. They seem to be cut off of something maybe a flag pole, or fence post? There heavy for a small piece they measure about 5″x5″ I have two of them. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



I bought these lovely statues from a junk market recently and wondered if anyone could tell me anything about them?
I think they may be Thai and possibly bronze or brass.
They are definitely some sort of metal and you can see the gold colour of the metal where little bits of paint have worn off how do I tell if they are bronze?
The male is 16 inches tall and the female 19 inches (without her wooden base)
I can’t find any markings anywhere at all.
They weigh 7kg (15lbs)each, so are very heavy.
I’d really like to know whether they could be bronze, their actual country of origin, who the figures represent and also if they could be worth anything. [img size=198]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/resized_statues_opt-d228949187a5abb06e12d675318554dc.jpg[/img]


I have a ton of silverplate, most of it stamped WM A ROGERS or Oneida. A few pieces are Keystone Ware, James W Tufts, or Rogers Bros. I want to get rid of it but don’t want to take it to the Goodwill store if it’s worth something. Is it worth anything? Where’s my best bet for getting some cash for it besides ebay- a pawn shop? Thank you for any help.


I have recently come across this silver piece, which I believe might be a pounce pot, but hoping someone can help me out with it.

The piece is about 10cm high (4″). It is solid silver and has no nickel in it (based on softness and ease to remove tarnish). It has a rounded bottom which is compensated for by an internal weight (lead?) that is affixed by a cap and bolt with a handmade nut.

The top has an emblem which is either a flame or bird of paradise, and facilitates screwing off the top. At the top of the emblem is the only orifice, which is odd as most pounce pots have multiple orifices (pierced or perforated).

There are no hallmarks.

Hoping for some expert help.



Ok, here it is even smaller. And forgot to mention there are no hallmarks on it.



I have just come across this silver piece that I believe might be a pounce pot. Hoping someone might know something about it.

It is about 10cm high. It is solid silver with no nickel (bends easily and tarnish removes readily). It has a rounded bottom but is weighted internally to keep it upright. Unlike other pounce pots it only has one orifice at the apex of the emblem. The emblem is either a flame or bird of paradise and serves as a handle to unscrew the top. The cap that holds the weight inside is anchored by a bolt with a handmade nut.

thanks for your help.


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