Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out what these are, or belonged to. The bottoms are not alike. They seem to be cut off of something maybe a flag pole, or fence post? There heavy for a small piece they measure about 5″x5″ I have two of them. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I found this neat small silver plated (?) teapot marked Ever Silver Ware in a magaphone style border. I have searched high and low on the internet with nothing comparable. I think this might have been used in a hotel or railroad service? It has so much character! And by the way, does anyone know what the wooden round things between the metal handle and the pot is called? And why are the spout and handle different types of metal than the pot and lid. Is there a style name for the shape of the pot, handle and spout…I just have so many questions…any information is warmly welcome….Thanks!
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