Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure out what these are, or belonged to. The bottoms are not alike. They seem to be cut off of something maybe a flag pole, or fence post? There heavy for a small piece they measure about 5″x5″ I have two of them. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


A picture would be very helpful.


I found this at an old dump site a few yrs ago and still don’t know what it is. Can anyone help?


I found a fish made out of brass i think at an old dump site bout 10 yrs ago and still haven’t been able to identify what it is. please help


I have a one of a kind brass or copper bottle opener I know it’s old my Mom had it for years but that’s all I know.
do you have any idea what it might be worth?:)


Can Someone give me some info on this Antique Brass Angel? Looks like a candle holder. Inside the bottom is the engraved number 2 with 2 engraved marking (small dots) under the number 2. To the left of the 2, holding the angel upside down is either the number one or the ironic, an upside down cross. If you have any manufacturer info and possible dates made would be a huge hep… Pictures are provided…

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