I have a matching sugar bowl and cream pitcher marked “Sheffield, Made in US” under a rising sun (with lots of rays). Under that are 5 tiny square (?) marks (might be M, B, D, E, N in fancy script).
Both are 4″ high. The widest reach of the handles is 5″ across. No Googling has revealed a US maker (reproducer?) of “Sheffield” designs that used a sunshine logo as its mark. Suggestions are welcome!
Well,, thats an odd place for the mark !! Are both pieces marked in the same place ??
It does not look like pewter !! The mark is Mulholland Bros, of Aurora Ill. They had several different marks !! I have found about seven or eight so far !! Did not find anywhere they ever worked in pewter !! They worked in sterling silver and silver plate as well as one metal called Argental which is a mix of silver and aluminum !! The word Sheffield refers to Sheffield plate which is silver plate over a copper base !! After 19 19 when they purchased Aurora Silverplate Co. they only worked in plated wares so your set was made after 1919 and before the business closed in 1932 !! They sold the business in 1924 but they continued using the name until the closing in 1932 !!
I tried silver polish on it, though it had no tarnish marks, and nothing changed. Still that pewter-like dullness. So I’m guessing it’s not silverplate. I’ve never heard of argental, but Googling produced a few results. It does seem likely that this set of mine is at least partly aluminum. Thank you for the information!