I found in the drawer of an old workbench this strange tool without marking. This looks like a multi-function tool, a small saw that can enter the handle (partially) and locks with a small lever, a key-shaped head (9 mm) and a square hole of 6 mm. a length of 107 mm. It is in stamped iron, and a sphere flattened at one end. Could you help me find out if this is a craft tool and any other information (date, manufacturer etc …)?
Thanks in advance
What country are you in ?? I have never seen a tool like it but I am in the U.S. !! The square would be for a specific type of fastener, !! Similar to why we have to have hex keys !! The saw blade looks too rough for crafts ad I can not think of anything that sphere would be used for !! Although I have seen some similar ones used as smoothing tools for leather work !!
Where did you get the workbench it came from ??