3.35K viewsToys
3.35K viewsToys

Years ago, my father-in-law gave some old toys to my son. He recently came across them again, and is wondering if they are lead, pewter or some other metal. They seem fairly heavy for the size. The one in the photos weighs 88 grams and stands 3 – 3 1/4 inches tall.
We have several different ones, all but one have a number on the back and Made in U.S.A. on the back as well
My father-in-law bought them at a flea market we think, but we don’t know when. He said they cost him a dollar or 2 each, and he bought them at various times. They were not his as a child. Not sure if any of the paint was added later.
Basically just interested in what they are made of and maybe how old?



Most were lead !! Have no idea when made but yours looks to be First World War !!
But I am no military historian !! Good buy and worth keeping especially with the flag !!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 14, 2020

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