Purchased an old toy farm corn elevator a few weeks back from an antique dealer going out of business. I was told it is a salesman sample. It’s a little over 61” and quite heavy. It has an electric motor and everything including the unloading shoot and flite chains move as if it was actual size. Asking if anyone knows who made it and can help date it? Thank you
Just looked at a very similar one sold by James Julia auctions !! Good auction house !! It was 65 inches tall and also unmarked !! It sold for $600. a few years back !! I think yours should be priced Between $600. and $750. !! No real way to know who made this one unless its marked !! That is a good price for farm equipment sample !! Its a small collector group but pretty active since not many come to market !!
What is on the motor ?? That will date it !!
Motor was replaced with a newer Brothers Brand sewing machine motor. A couple old farmers told me it was in the 1940’s or earlier as the top head on the elevator sets it apart from the newer styles in the 50’s which were less cone shaped to fit through a cupola door opening on top of the corn crib. The original pulley on the gear mechanism has a rounded pulley so I’m thinking an older sewing machine electric motor that fits the original bracket is what it needs. The one tire that is partially there is a larger ballon style and I can make out the word Ruehl De?????? Can’t seem to find much on line for this or I’m looking in the wrong place. Thanks again. Jeff
Can you post a pic and one of any markings it may have ??
Tried adding photos but they wouldn’t upload or show up. No markings except the number 178 hand scribed on the side.
Thank you very much. Being from the Midwest and having a couple of the real ones on our family farm I may keep it for awhile. Sent a couple photos to a toy collector I know in Iowa and he hadn’t seen one before either at any shows but heard they were out there somewhere. He offered me 1,200 but I think it will stay at my farm for awhile yet. This is a great forum and thank you again for you time and research.