4.22K viewsToys
4.22K viewsToys

Just wondered about history and value, I have the box top and bottom, sides are missing or torn off, but board is great, and has 5 rings for the game and instructions on the back. I would like a year maybe it was produced etc



This is the only one I found so far !! Will look more later !!

I have looked through a bunch of lists for Milton Bradley games and this was not even mentioned !! Will do more research tomorrow !!


Hello, it is a ring toss game, has 8 rings, I think there are suppose to be ten.
See photos, milton bradley on front and also on directions printed on bottom of back of box


Can you take a pic of the game board open ?? Also the parts of the box that you have !! Nothing is listed by that name for Milton Bradley !!
You do mean that this is a board game,, like Monopoly don`t you ?? If a different type game please tell me !! Or is this a Ring Toss game ??

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