2.06K viewsToys
2.06K viewsToys

I picked up this doll the other day and I can not identify it anywhere on the Internet. If you search for Mae West Effanbee 1982 you will see a MW doll in a black dress with poofy bangs and right (bent) arm. My doll looks totally different yet the back of it is Stamped: 1982 Est. Mae West By Effanbee

I am not sure if this is the original dress (blue and white flowers) But it seems to fit perfectly and the dress does not appear to be “homemade” the seams are finished with a serger and it looks very professionaly sewed.

As you can see from my picture she has all one length blonde hair with a side sweep, and her arms are straight. The dolls I see for sale on eBay the right arm is bent, so this is a different doll for sure…but what do I have lol?
-Thanks in advance for any help 🙂

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