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I have a cast iron mechanical Speaking Dog Bank (see photos). Can anyone help me identify if it is an original (1885), a slightly later model (1897?), or a more recent reproduction?
It does NOT have any patent info stamped on it anywhere.
Many thanks!
Seth in Oz (but originally from Kansas!)
[attachment]IMG_0354 (2).jpg[/attachment][attachment]

JTingle Changed status to publish February 2, 2020

Speaking Dog Bank

This is from this site !!

This is one that sold at Skinners


There are several differences in yours and the original !! I think its a later reproduction,, but which one ??? Need someone more experienced to do a hands on !! Almost impossible to say from pics !! And many made these banks !! Skinner auction house has a “whats it worth” on their site !!

JTingle Changed status to publish February 2, 2020

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