3.39K viewsWeapons
3.39K viewsWeapons

I have a (probably brass) powder flask almost exactly like the Riling No 461. Riling doesn’t say much about it. Can anyone help with the provenance. It belonged to my GG Grandfather who passed away in 1891. See Photo and Riling Photo.
Many Thanks,

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 16, 2020

Provenance begins with your family !! Before that it is just an item to be sold like many others !! I do not have Ray Rilings book,, can you tell me what it does say about it ?? Perhaps the makers name !! Back then these were utilitarian items and may or may not have a mfrs name !!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 16, 2020
  • Kovels
  • Kovels
  • Kovels
Anonymous Changed status to publish January 16, 2020

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