Stolen Historical Ceramics Found in House in Spain

A drug trafficker who is also a collector? Hey, it’s possible. Police in the city of Guadassuar, Valencia, in Spain recently raided a house that was a suspected drug trafficking base and uncovered a ceramics collection with some pieces dating from the 12th century through the 18th century. Some even dated to the Roman era. Objects found included tiles, pots and bowls, with some listed as “priceless” by experts. A 68-year-old man was arrested for “crimes against historical heritage,” in addition to charges of drug trafficking and illegal possession of weapons. Sweetening the arrest, police also found 13 stolen beehives.

The ceramics have been turned over to the Municipal Museum of Alzira for examination and classification.

Hey, everyone has different collector interests, right? Drugs, ceramics, bees …


ceramics and artifacts found in spain

Photo: Guardia Civil Mo Interior, Spain (ZENGER; Newsweek)


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