Home Renovation Reveals an $850,000 Stash of Gold Coins

A home project turned out to be pretty profitable for a British couple in North Yorkshire, England. In 2019, after living in the home for about 10 years, they decided to rip up the kitchen floorboards in their 18th-century townhouse. They hit what they thought was an electrical cable beneath the concrete. Instead, it was […]

What Looked Like a Can of Herring, Turned Out to Be Gold

An amateur treasure hunter out for a casual day of using his new metal detector in the Danish countryside uncovered a stash of 22 gold medallions inscribed with mystical symbols, the Danish government recently announced. The gold artifacts are thought to be 1,500 years old, dating back to the Iron Age. First-time treasure hunter Ole […]

Finders Are Not Keepers In Search for $4 Million in Lost Gold 

Silence is not golden. A treasure hunter is still in jail for not revealing the whereabouts of up to $4 million in gold coins. In 1988, research scientist Tommy Thompson, in jail since 2015, discovered the S.S. Central America, which sank off the coast of South Carolina in 1857 with thousands of pounds of precious […]

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