When Every Piece of Glass is a Carnival

Shimmering with luminescent colors on crisply molded shapes, carnival glass dazzles. Pieces were initially made to be attractive, functional, and affordable when Fenton Art Glass introduced them in 1907. This new glassware became so popular that other American manufacturers soon developed competing lines to satisfy the enormous demand. Though carnival’s “classic” period ended around 1925, […]

Vanity Set

Q: I’m trying to identify a vanity set that belonged to my great-grandmother. I believe it’s a Schaefer & Vater piece. It is made in pink porcelain, antiqued in a soft green. The figurine is of an Asian woman sitting cross-legged in a kimono and holding a fan. Holes in her head hold hatpins. The […]

Hatpin Holder

Q: I’m an avid collector of hatpins and hatpin holders. I haven’t been able to identify the maker or date of this hatpin holder. It has this mark on the bottom and has 13 holes in the top. I would appreciate any help. A: Hatpin holders were popular from 1860 to 1920, when hatpins were […]

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