Like Summer, the Labor Day Postcard Has Faded Away

Here in the U.S., we have plenty to look forward to this coming weekend: An extra day off, barbecues, and the warm, sunny weather of the end of summer. Yes, it’s almost Labor Day, the last great holiday of the season. Two embossed Labor Day Postcards celebrating the American worker sold for $110 at Matthew Bullock […]

Have a Good Labor Day!

We honor and celebrate the contributions of America’s working people! Happy Labor Day!

Celebrate Labor Day by Looking Back at Vintage Advertising

We love Labor Day because it is a time to celebrate Americans’ hard work and ingenuity. Labor activists in the 19th century pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the workers. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor […]

Vintage Posters: Reflecting Different Era of American Workers

Every year on the first weekend in September, we all get a day off thanks to workers who fought long and hard for a five-day work week and against unfair labor laws, even banning child labor. The holiday is rooted in the late 1800s, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the […]

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