Kovels Antique Trader Vol. 67 No. 10 – August 2023

Marilyn Monroe…Archival Fashion…Lighting…Catalin Radios…’70s and ’80s Toys…Magic Memorabilia…John Dillinger Memorabilia…Fruit Salad Jewelry…Thrift Shop Tips…Collector’s Gallery…Dictionary of Marks…Events Calendar

Collector’s Gallery – 1953 Playboy Magazine

The first issue of Playboy magazine, 1953. Q: I have a 1953 Playboy first Issue with Marilyn Monroe on the cover I would like to sell. Do you have any idea of its value? A: Hugh Hefner was working as a promotion copywriter at Esquire magazine in Chicago when the magazine decided to move its […]

Thrifty Threads

Marilyn Monroe was not the first woman to look stylish in a potato sack, only the most famous. By the time Marilyn slipped into one as a publicity stunt in the 1950s, food-sack garments were long synonymous with the Great Depression era, when life in rural America meant frugal fashion practices for many families. By […]

Marilyn Monroe Statue

Marilyn Monroe’s statue is still missing from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was perched on the top of the tower and stolen on June 16. A witness saw a man climb the tower and saw off the statue. Only clues are fingerprints.    

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