Made in Mexico

Colima-style terracotta armadillo effigy vessel, pre-Columbian, Classic period A.D. 300-900; Western Mexico, $950. John Moran Auctioneers’ “Made in Mexico” online auction on Feb. 7 lured collectors to the more than 270 lots of fine Mexican-crafted or inspired art, jewelry, and silver, including iconic pieces from Hector Aguilar, Los Castillo, Margot de Taxco, Antonio Pineda, and […]

Mexican Silver Coin Pendant

Q: I found this cutout Mexican coin when we emptied my parents’ home. They loved traveling in the Southwest and collecting pieces of fine Native American workmanship. What can you tell me about it?  A: This Mexican coin is called a “real.” Republica Mexicana reales were minted from 1824 until 1897. The image of an […]

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