A Rockwell Thanksgiving

Throughout his brilliant career, Rockwell illustrated 323 covers of The Saturday Evening Post during a nearly five-decade relationship with the magazine. With its traditional Thanksgiving setting, “Freedom from Want”  is one of Rockwell’s “Four Freedom” illustrations that ran in successive issues of The Post in 1943. Using his own Arlington, Vt., neighbors as subjects, the […]

Norman Rockwell Print of Abraham Lincoln

Q: I found this Norman Rockwell print in a trash bin outside a building that was being renovated about six years ago. It’s framed and is 22 inches high and 8 inches wide. Someone told me it’s called “Lincoln for the Defense.” Any information you can give me would be appreciated.  A: Norman Rockwell (1894–1978) […]

Goebel Norman Rockwell Figurine

Q: I bought this Norman Rockwell figurine about 40 years ago. It’s marked with a bee over the letter “V” and “W. Goebel, W. Germany.” It was listed in a book of plates and figurines at that time for a value of $400. I know prices of old items have dropped quite a bit. Can […]

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