
The Joel Magee Disneyland Collection, the largest privately owned collection of Disney parks memorabilia in the world, was offered in a three-day sale that began on July 17, Disneyland’s 68th birthday. Some of the highlights of the 1,500 pieces out of the 6,000 Magee has amassed over 30 years, including the single largest collection of […]

Musical Knickknack from Western Germany

Q:  This musical knickknack was in my grandparents’ house ever since I was a little girl. It was passed on to me. At first, I thought it was broken because it makes a clicking sound as it plays music, but then I realized when you hold it up to the light and look through the […]

Antique and First Edition Books Gain Popularity

Before donating or throwing away those dusty books in your parents or grandparent’s basement, you might want to look them over. Some vintage editions, especially first editions and those with colorful illustrations and covers, might be valuable. And even some newer books, depending on the author and the printing, are valuable. Recently, a sale by […]

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