Follow the Sun — But Fix Your Sundial

Did you realize that sundials need to be set, just like any other signs? We didn’t either. So even when the sun isn’t shining, pay attention to your sundial. A sundial must be anchored in a garden by someone who knows how to set the dial at the correct angle to tell accurate time. Placement is […]

Setting a Sundial

Set your sundial at noon, June 15. Place it so the shadow falls on the 12.    

Top 5 Tips for Antiques in Outdoor Rooms, Gardens 

Antique outdoor furniture and décor is especially popular this year as the trend continues to create outdoor living spaces. Here are 5 tips on creating an inviting garden space with antique and vintage finds. These items can be purchased at flea markets, outdoor markets and, of course, garage sales. Durable woods (teak or bamboo, for […]

Don’t Forget to Set Your Sundial on April 15th

A sundial is always accurate, right? Believe it or not, you should “set” your sundial a few times a year. Placement is different for every geographic location. As we start to enjoy more outdoor time, finding a decorative sundial and making sure it actually does its job can be easy. Put your sundial in a location that is flat and […]

How to Set a Sundial

These are the steps on how to properly set a sundial. A sundial must be anchored in a garden by someone who knows how to set the dial at the correct angle to tell accurate time. Placement is different for every location. To set your sundial: Put your sundial in a location that is flat […]


A stick’s shadow, sundials, clocks, watches, and wristwatches have all made it easier for a person to tell time. The earliest known sundial dates from about 800 B.C. Pocket sundials have been recorded since the thirteenth century. The pocket sundial, used by travelers, was set with the aid of a compass. The permanent sundial is […]

Why This Weekend Is the Best Time to Set up Your Sundial

Sundials have been used for centuries to tell time during the day. As the sun appears to move across the sky, it casts a shadow across the sundial’s pointer, called a gnomon, onto the sundial surface, which is marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. A sundial can be fairly accurate if the […]

Time to Set Your Sundial

Sundials have been used for centuries to tell time during the day. The sun casts a shadow across the sundial’s pointer, called a gnomon, onto the sundial surface. It’s marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. “Sun time” and “clock time” agree only four times a year, April 15, June 15, September 1 […]

Setting Your Sundial

Set your sundial on June 15. Place it so the shadow falls on the 12. Add an hour to the time if your area is on Daylight Savings Time. Item of the Week June 20, 2011: Sundial

Stone or metal sundials are attractive and interesting additions to your garden. The sundial pictured here is made of bronze, is about 16 inches wide, and sold for $510 at a recent Kamelot auction in Philadelphia.  It is complicated to set a garden sundial, but the summer solstice on June 21st is the best day […]

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