Q I’ve owned Imperial Candlewick glass for almost 70 years! It’s been a prized possession in many locations where we made our home as foreign missionaries. It’s survived through much use by our family of five children and was used frequently for special events. Now I find it necessary to sell my collection of many pieces. What advice can you give me?

A Collections of glassware and dinnerware are hard to sell. Candlewick glass sells online on sites like rubylane.com, replacements.com, and eBay.com. Shops that sell Candlewick may be interested in buying your pieces. You can also contact the National Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society (imperialglass.org). If you decide to sell your glass online, or send it to an online shop, you will have to pack it up securely, insure it, and send it to them. It’s easier to try to sell it locally at a consignment shop, flea market, or antiques shop. You might also consider donating it to a charity. Determine the value by checking Candlewick glass that has sold on some of the online sites and then take the tax deduction.

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