War relics get attention from Ohio lawmakers. The state Senate passed a law that went into effect March 2022 prohibiting transferring or selling “certain war relics to non-specified groups or entities.” It is called the Ohio Veterans’ Heritage Protection Act. “Preserving war relics is about our nation’s history, sacrifice and remembrance,” Rep. Adam Miller, D-Columbus, said. “This bill prohibits someone from selling war relics owned by the public, ensuring that generations to come will understand the price of freedom from the Revolutionary War to today.” The bill comes as states and communities around the country have removed Confederate statues over the past several years. The bill prohibits a war relic on public property or in a cemetery association from being sold, bought, disposed of, destroyed, relocated, altered or disturbed.


ohio veterans heritage protection act



One response to “War Relics in Ohio”

  1. DM1 says:

    This should be a Federal law to stop the crazies from re-writing and removing our blessed history. While not a perfect Nation, we are the GREATEST! So sad to see the delusional people running our Country. Keep America great for all of us!

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