Have you seen many of the gorgeous enamels that are getting harder and harder to find? Enameling was a minor art form that included ashtrays, boxes, desk sets, bowls, plaques, architectural tiles and even jewelry.

Ralph and I received our first enamels as wedding gifts in the 1950s. As a result, we became curious about the artists and the simply beautiful, handmade techniques that were almost forgotten. Ironically, Cleveland (our hometown) was the epicenter of the enameling art world, so we were so fortunate to find incredible pieces right here.  What’s more,  we bought many of our pieces directly from the artists themselves, even at their studios. We got to know some of the artists personally and watched them work on their creations. My own collection was displayed on a wall. And the fact these things don’t break, don’t fade and are safe to hold makes for a collection that a busy home can handle.

As I reach the point in life where I am downsizing, I know I can’t keep any collection forever. So I’ve decided it’s time to let others enjoy our collection and build their own. You’re invited to go online and take a look at our special collection of enamels. Just go to the Treadway Gallery (treadwaygallery.com) to see this beautiful work. Or you can own a piece of art and history yourself by bidding at the auction of the Ralph and Terry Enamels on February 7, 2021, starting at  11:00 am EST.