Ty Warner, the creator of Beanie Babies, is all over the news. Warner was sentenced Tuesday, Jan. 14, to two years’ probation for tax evasion and had already paid millions in back taxes and civil fines. Meanwhile, what has happened to the price of Beanie Babies? These days, most old Beanie Babies are sold in “dump displays” at shows or in large lots at auction for about $5. The highest prices we’ve seen since the peak in the late 1990s is Peanut the Elephant, which auctioned for $3,000 in 2000. Don’t believe tales of six-figure prices. Online sellers may ask that much, but no one is buying. Let us know the highest sale price you’ve recently seen for a Beanie Baby.













Photo: Collectorsquest.com | Amazon.com/Beanie Babies | TY