Michael Graves was the famous architect who designed postmodern office buildings and the fanciful Swan and Dolphin Resort at Disney World. But most collectors remember his humorous whistling bird teakettle and other pieces he designed for Alessi and the similar, but less expensive, whistle teakettle for Target. Graves design kitchen and bathroom accessories sold millions at Target and JCPenney. In 2003, an infection left him paralyzed him from the waist down and he spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair. He designed many things for the physically challenged, like wheel chairs, canes and improved heating pads. Collectors might want to start a Graves collection with some of his household objects, a cane, clock, or pictures of his buildings, perhaps even letters or drawings. His leadership in the postmodern movement makes him a lasting part of the history of design. I already have both teakettles, the creamer and sugar, and the pepper mill.

Photo Credit: 11 Main.com