6.06K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
6.06K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I moved recently and my movers scuffed the sides of my bookshelves with white paint. Any attempts to remove the white paint is also removing the cherry wood staining. I want to keep the integrity of the bookshelves when I attempt to stain them.


If its white latex paint,, warm water will soften it I have taken a lot of it off this way !! You just have to wet a washcloth with very warm soapy water and hold it on the paint !! May take several applications !! Latex is water based paint !!
Can you post a pic of the damaged area ??


Let me know if you cant see the pics, I’m having issues seeing them.

And I used a Mister clean sponge, but i didn’t want to press too hard as some of the paint came off the first time.


Your pic did not load !! This site has a 2 MB size limit on pics so its possible your pic is too big !! Check the file size and reduce it if you can !! Do not try posting it as an attachment,, they do not work here either Just use the ” upload files” and try again !!
I would not have recommended that type sponge because of damage to the furniture !!
An old fashioned cellulose sponge or terry cloth would have been a better option !!

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